The previous article within this collection focused upon the elements that should be covered to ensure excellent on page optimisation including online assets.The stages that have been covered so far have explained the importance of laying down the correct structure and content. This stage involves the art of building links back to your website to increase online exposure.
Already now we have the key ingredients to go after decent and relevant links. Within the Keyword research the words with the most potential have been found, and it is these keywords that will help drive high quality links back to your website.
The following advice will set you on the right track to grow your sites’ inlinks. The process of link building is an integral part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
The more links you build the more highly regarded your website will be by the search engines.
A website with a good reputation will feature high in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).
Consider the following:
• Article writing: The basic premise of writing articles for submission to article directories such as Ezines is that you trade your knowledge and expertise for links back to your site. Most high ranking article directories will allow you to have 2 links in return for an article of approximately 250+ words.
It is important you articles are relevant to your industry and this will also allow you to make the most of your most effective keywords.
• Forums: The first key to making the most of forum participation is to find industry specific forums where you are able to help and advice other members. Most forums will allow you to set up a signature box which will appear below each post that you make. The more you contribute the more inlinks you will receive. Not only will you build your reputation in the eyes of the search engines but you will also gain the respect of other forum contributors helping raise your business profile.
• Blog Comments: Many blogs encourage readers to comment on posts. As with forums try and be as relevant and informative as possible and be sure to make use of keyword anchor links pointing back to your website where appropriate.
• Testimonials: Perhaps a recent product you have bought or a holiday you went on. By giving your two pence worth you will be able to link back to your website. Once again the same applies as the two entries above; appealing and worthy content will ensure your link gets more exposure.
When carrying out these activities keep an eye out for high ranking article directories, forums and blogs. Remember that the quality of links far out performs quantity, so be on the lookout to post on high ranking sites.
The following stage will look at the various options available online or paying for a higher position within the results pages. This includes elements of Search Engine Marketing and online promotion.
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